When Do Roses Bloom, What Months, Based on Zone and Place

when do roses bloom

We would all like our roses to bloom quickly, and for the longest period of time. But actually, when do roses bloom? And how long do they bloom? Based on your growing zone, or country. That’s what I’m going through today. To start off here’s a quick answer, then we’ll get into more details… Roses … Read more

Do Mini Roses Need Full Sun? Easy Guide to Roses and Sun

do mini roses need full sun

Do mini roses need full sun? That’s probably the question you’re asking and that’s what I’m going to tackle in this post. Let’s start with a brief answer, then we’ll get into more details. Ideally, mini roses need full sunlight for 6+ hours. Morning sunlight before noon is preferable, as it is less intense. Under … Read more

Is Wood Ash Good for Roses? Which Roses, When, and How Much

is wood ash good for roses

Those of us that love growing roses feel the urge to give them everything they need to help them thrive and generate a glorious bloom. So we’ll try lots of different fertilizers and magic nutrients. One option is wood ash. But is wood ash good for roses? That’s what we’re going to explore in this … Read more

Roses and Hydrangeas Together: Beautiful Companions

Rose and hydrangeas

Roses and hydrangeas look beautiful together, but this companion plant pairing can be ideally accomplished only under certain conditions. Some of their characters match and some differ from each other. Let’s have a comparative analysis of both, starting with a quick roundup. Can you plant roses and hydrangeas together… Roses and hydrangeas work well as … Read more

Rambling Rose vs Climbing Rose, Differences, Care, Uses

rambling rose vs climbing rose

When it comes to buying a rose that you want to use up a wall, trellis, or fencing. Then the two choices are really a rambling rose or climbing rose. So in this article, I’m describing the differences – and similarities – between rambling rose vs climbing rose. Starting with a quick way of identifying … Read more

Roses and Alliums Together, Types That Work as Companions

roses and alliums

We often don’t just plant roses on their own – as wonderful as that can look. Usually, we companion plant them with compatible plants. Roses and alliums are one combination gardeners look at. Here’s the overview you might be looking for when contemplating planting roses and alliums together, then we’ll get into more details. Alliums … Read more

Meaning of Yellow Roses: Love, Dreams, Occasions, and More

meaning of yellow roses

What does a yellow rose mean? Yellow roses have a variety of meanings in love, lore, and emotion. And these translate through to appropriate occasions. As a dedicated rose website and resource, it’s right and proper that I explore and explain all the implications and purpose of a yellow rose. The meaning of yellow roses. … Read more

All Types of Roses: Floribunda, Polyantha, Hybrid Tea, And More

types of roses

Roses are extremely popular garden plants and are so beautiful to look at. They provide a classic elegant and prestigious garden look. But what types of roses would suit your needs? What are the differences between the various types? What I’ve learned over a few years of growing roses is what I’m going to discuss … Read more

Roses and Lavender Together Make Great Companions, Here’s Why

roses and lavender

Thinking about planting roses and lavender? Or adding lavender as a companion plant near your roses? Well here’s the information on everything regarding roses and lavender. Let’s start with a quick summary, then we’ll get into more details… Roses and lavender can be great companion plants. Both of these plants produce flowers at the same … Read more

What Are Hybrid Tea Roses: Everything You Need to Know

hybrid tea rose

The hybrid tea rose is a common type of rose. You’ve probably heard the name and started looking to see what they are. So what are hybrid tea roses? In this article, I’m answering that question, going over their look and description so you can perhaps identify them, along with their key characteristics. I’ll also … Read more