Best Companion Plants for Roses, Plus a Simple Table Guide

companion plants for roses

As part of taking care of your roses, you want to ensure they’re being planted near friendly plants that will provide them with help and protection. As well as what plants do not sit well beside your roses. So that’s what I’m going to go over in this post. Starting with what requirements you ideally … Read more

Is Horse Manure Good for Roses? Which Roses, How Much, and When

is horse manure good for roses

Horse manure is often touted as a great natural fertilizer for roses. But is it really all it’s cracked up to be? Let’s take a closer look at the question I get asked a lot, which is “is horse manure good for roses”, and how to use it effectively if you do choose to go … Read more

Is Chicken Manure Good for Roses? Benefits, How Much, and When

is chicken manure good for roses

As a dedicated rose website, I’m documenting all the areas of planting, growing, and maintaining roses that I know of and have tried myself. One of which was the question is chicken manure good for roses? So that’s what I’m diving into in this post. Here’s the takeaway answer, then we’ll get a bit more … Read more

Meaning of White Roses: Love, Dreams, Occasions, and More

meaning of white roses

Roses of any kind of great to look at and most have a wonderful scent. So what does it matter what the color is? Well, different colored roses do have their specific meanings. In this article, I’m going through the meaning of white roses. Let’s start with a summary… White roses represent purity, innocence, and … Read more

Is Mushroom Compost Good for Roses? How, and When to Add It

is mushroom compost good for roses

I’ve tried all the types of compost you can think of for my roses. One of those is mushroom compost. So perhaps you’re also wondering – is mushroom compost good for roses? That’s what I’m going through in this article, starting with a summary and then getting into the detail. Mushroom compost is good for … Read more

Is Bone Meal Good for Roses? Types, When, and How to Use It

is bone meal good for roses

I’ve talked extensively about the kind of products and additives we add to our roses, and I’ve quite a few different products and ingredients along my journey to try and get the very best rose blooms! One such product is bone meal, so is bone meal good for roses? that’s what I’m going to answer … Read more

Growing Roses in Cold Climates, Which Ones, How To, and Tips

growing roses in winter

Many gardeners live in cold climates, but that’s no reason to get frustrated at the seemingly limited plants and flowers you can grow. So they still want to know about growing roses in cold climates. That’s what I’m going through in this article so I hope it helps. Here’s a quick takeaway answer… The best … Read more

Do Roses Attract Bees? How to Get More Bees to Your Roses

do roses attract bees

If you’re thinking about planting roses (or if you already have some), you might be curious about the pollinators they attract. In particular, do roses attract bees? Perhaps someone in your family suffers from a bee allergy, and you’re attempting to keep bees out of your garden. Or you want to attract beautiful pollinators like … Read more