Roses and Boxwoods Together: Easy Companions for Any Garden

roses and boxwoods

Roses and boxwoods together as a companion pairing bring the standard green-red color to the garden throughout the year and share some similarities like growing zones, soil type, height, and spread. So if you’re considering this combination of companion plants, then I’m going through how roses and boxwoods together can complement each other, and your … Read more

9 Tips to Keep Mini Roses Blooming Longer and Better 🌹

keep mini roses blooming

Mini roses can be once bloomers or continuous bloomers, but regardless of the variety, how do you keep mini roses blooming? To keep mini roses blooming at their full capacity and in a healthy and sustainable manner, will require some basic – but regular – maintenance. Which essentially falls into proper sunlight, sufficient watering, deadheading … Read more

Black Spot Disease on Roses: Treat It and Prevent It

black spot disease on roses

I assume you arrived here because you’re concerned you might have black spot disease on roses in your garden? If so, then my heart goes out to you. Any gardener who grows roses will tell you that one concern is black spot disease on roses. So in this post, I’m going over what black spot … Read more

Best NPK Ratio for Roses: Types, Advice, and Recommendations

NPK ratio for roses

Most gardeners know of or have heard of NPK ratios. I’ve had to learn this too with my roses. So what is the best N-P-K ratio for roses? I’m going over some of the main points in this article, starting with a summary to get you a quick answer. The best NPK ratio for roses … Read more

Roses and Irises Together Make Great Companion Plants

roses and irises

Roses and irises can create some stunning color combinations, not only in the garden but in bouquets too. Here I’m going through the growing differences and similarities when planting irises and roses together. So you can decide if this is a good combination for your rose bed. Here’s a quick summary. Roses and irises are … Read more

Roses and Honeysuckle: Choosing the Best Variety for Roses

roses and honeysuckle

Roses and honeysuckle are a classic pairing and make up the true midsummer magic in the fluorescence of the garden by combining their soulful scents. They also share some other characteristics. In this post, I’ll be looking at roses and honeysuckle companion plants and understanding what rose and honeysuckle planted together can bring to your … Read more

Roses and Peonies: Great Companions With Many Similar Needs

roses and peonies

Looking to plant roses and peonies together? Well, peonies are the symbol of romanticism and unconditional love …and the same goes for roses. So both of these plants make a perfect romantic pair together. However, are roses and peonies good companion plants? How do they fare as companions when it comes to their daily needs … Read more

Roses and Gardenias: How to Plant Together for Best Results

roses and gardenias

Roses and gardenias look good together and can increase the floral embellishment of the garden, but there are one or two challenges with this pair that you will need to keep in mind, but companion planting roses and gardenias can be achieved. Let’s look at a comparative analysis of both roses and gardenias first. Starting … Read more