Horse manure is often touted as a great natural fertilizer for roses. But is it really all it’s cracked up to be? Let’s take a closer look at the question I get asked a lot, which is “is horse manure good for roses”, and how to use it effectively if you do choose to go this route.
Generally speaking, yes, horse manure is good for roses. But some varieties can be more sensitive than others, so knowing how much and when to use it is key.
Horse manure is rich in nutrients and can be beneficial for roses, as long as it is used in moderation. Too much horse manure can actually damage roses. The key is to understand how much horse manure to use when to use it, and which roses are best suited for it.
In general, organic matter like manure is good for roses. It helps improve drainage and aeration in the soil, which is important for healthy plant growth. Manure also adds essential nutrients to the soil that roses need to thrive.
That’s the summary, but there are, as I mentioned, different aspects to this question you need to consider. Like which roses, how much, and when, etc.
So let’s dive into this subject a little more … if you’ll pardon the pun!
Is horse manure good for roses?
Like most plants, roses like added horse manure because it is rich in nutrients. Horse manure is made up of digested grass, hay, and other plant material.
This makes it a great source of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium – which roses need for healthy growth.
However, you can’t just go out and spread horse manure on your roses without taking some precautions first.
For one thing, you need to understand which roses will like horse manure.

Which roses like horse manure
Some roses are more sensitive than others and may not be able to handle as much manure. Hybrid tea roses, for example, are typically more sensitive than other varieties of roses.
The types of roses that like horse manure the most are Grandiflora roses, Floribunda roses, and English roses.
If you’re not sure whether your roses can handle manure, it’s always best to err on the side of caution.
So if you’re looking for a way to give your roses a boost, then adding some horse manure to their diet is a good option.
Just be sure to do it in moderation and keep an eye on how your roses respond. They’ll let you know if they’re getting too much of a good thing!
Is fresh horse manure good for roses?
Is horse manure good for roses if it’s fresher?
Despite what many people think, fresh horse manure is not good for roses. In fact, it can actually be quite damaging to their health.
The high levels of nitrogen in fresh manure can burn the roots of your roses as well as bad bacteria, so it’s best to avoid using it altogether.
Fresh manure is also high in ammonia, which can contribute to burning your roses,
If you do decide to use horse manure, make sure it is aged or composted first. In fact, let’s dive into this a bit more.

What type of manure to use for roses
As mentioned, make sure the manure is aged or composted. This is because fresh manure can contain harmful bacteria that can damage your roses. It can also burn the roots of the roses if you use too much.
A good rule of thumb is to wait at least six months after the manure is deposited before using it on your roses. This will give it plenty of time to age and compost.
How to use horse manure on roses
The best way to use horse manure on roses is to mix it into the soil around the base of the plant.

But generally, you can do this once a year in the springtime.
I do some of this when I’m first preparing a bed for roses which you can read more about.
How much horse manure to use
When adding horse manure to your roses, it is important to use the right amount. Too much horse manure can actually burn your plants.

The best way to figure out how much horse manure to use is to start small. Add a little bit at first and then see how your roses respond. You can always add more if needed.
So add a little manure mixed into the soil around your roses, and then wait for a week or so before adding any more.
How to apply horse manure around your roses
When you’re ready to add horse manure to your roses, simply dig a small trench around the base of the plant.
Then, mix a shovelful or two of manure into the soil. Work it in well, but be careful not to damage the roots of the plant in the process.
After you’ve applied the manure, water the area well. This will help to distribute the nutrients and prevent burning. Water well and you’re done!
Are horse manure pellets good for roses?
Is horse manure good for roses in other forms?
Horse manure pellets are a good option if you’re looking for an easy way to add horse manure to your roses. These pellets have been composted and processed already and can be added directly to the soil around your roses.
Pellets are also a good choice if you’re worried about adding too much manure to your plants. With pellets, you can control how much manure is added to the soil more easily.
I’d recommend these horse manure pellets as I’ve used these on my roses with good results.
They’re also easier to manage and you can just sprinkle some on easily when it’s time. Speaking of when it’s time, when is the best time to add horse manure to your roses?
When is the best time to add horse manure?
As I mentioned in my article on preparing the ground for a new rose bed, you can add some horse manure when you’re first getting the soil right a few weeks before you begin planting.
In general, the best time to add manure to your roses is in late winter or early spring, before new growth begins, as soon as you can work the ground.
This gives the plant time to take up nutrients from the manure before it starts putting energy into new growth.
How much horse manure should you add?
The amount of manure you add will depend on the type of rose you’re growing and the condition of your soil.
For best results, tests your soil pH using this handy test kit, or have your soil tested. I’ve added this to my tools and resources page too.
In general, you should add 2 buckets of horse manure per square meter (11 sq ft) of the garden bed. For seasoned roses, you can apply 1 bucket per square meter as a top-up.
Horse manure is high in nitrogen, which is great for leafy growth, so this helps mature roses to bush out. It is also a good source of potassium, which is essential for flowering.

If you have any leftover horse manure, you can also use it as mulch around the base of your roses. This will help to retain moisture in the soil and keep weeds at bay.
Just be sure to avoid using horse manure that is fresh, as this can damage plant roots.
Fresh manure is also high in ammonia, which can burn plants. If you’re not sure, it’s best to err on the side of caution and wait a few months before using it on your roses.
Horse manure is an excellent way to give your roses the nutrients they need to thrive.
Just be sure to use it in moderation and avoid using fresh manure, and your roses will thank you for it!
Is horse manure good for roses ~ More roses help 
So, is horse manure good for roses? Yes, as long as you follow a few simple guidelines. It’s my favorite compost, it’s natural and thee fact that it has been used for a millenia means it must work great.
Horse manure is rich in nutrients and can help your roses grow strong and healthy.
Just be sure to use it in moderation, avoid using fresh manure, and you should have no problems. I hope this has helped!
Check out my tools and resources page. And you might also like to read my other similar articles about what you can add to boost your roses:

Hi, I’m Michael. My passion for roses was sparked a few years ago after visiting a dedicated community rose garden. So represents my take, my learnings, and my help for anyone looking to grow, be proud of, and harvest roses.