What does a yellow rose mean? Yellow roses have a variety of meanings in love, lore, and emotion. And these translate through to appropriate occasions.
As a dedicated rose website and resource, it’s right and proper that I explore and explain all the implications and purpose of a yellow rose.
The meaning of yellow roses.
Yellow roses are a symbol of happiness, joy, and friendship. They are also given to show appreciation, admiration, or respect. To many people, yellow roses represent warmth, sunshine, care, affection, and even love. In contrast to the Victorian era, when yellow roses meant deceit and betrayal.
Let’s get into the details…
Meaning of yellow roses – Throughout history
Some believe that the meaning of yellow roses began in Persia, where the yellow rose was seen as a symbol of love and affection.
The meaning of yellow roses then traveled to Europe, where they became a symbol of jealousy.
In later years, the meaning of yellow roses transformed into happiness, warmth, and friendship.
The meaning of yellow roses can also be seen in their use on special occasions.
For example, in the Victorian era, yellow roses were often given as a symbol of true love. Today, they are still commonly given as a way to show appreciation or admiration.

What do yellow roses mean to women?

To many women, yellow roses represent happiness and sunshine. They can also be seen as a way to show appreciation or admiration.
They can also be given as a way of expressing gratitude or thanks. Yellow roses are often given as a symbol of true love
For a woman to receive yellow roses from a man, is often seen as a sign of his admiration for her.
Yellow rose meaning to men
While the meaning of yellow roses can vary depending on the person, they are often seen as a way to show happiness, warmth, and friendship.
When given to a man, they may symbolize anything from platonic love and admiration to romantic attraction.
What do yellow roses mean in a relationship?
In a relationship, yellow roses may symbolize happiness, joy, and affection. They can also be given as a way to express your feelings of friendship or platonic love.
Yellow roses meaning for occasions and events
The meaning of yellow roses can also change depending on the occasion. For example, they may be given as a way to show congratulations or thanks.
Or they might be given as a way to show support or encouragement during tough times.
Yellow roses can also be given for no specific reason at all – just to show that you care, and are thinking of them.

The emotional meaning of yellow roses
The meaning of yellow roses can also be affected by the emotions associated with them. For example, if they are given as an apology, they may symbolize regret or sorrow. If they are given as a way to say goodbye, they may symbolize sadness or loss.
Meaning of red and yellow roses, or yellow roses with red tips
Yellow roses with red or pink tips mean “I care for you deeply” or “I am falling in love with you”. It’s a way of expressing how feelings are moving beyond plutonic, toward love. Red-tipped yellow roses are also often given as a first anniversary or early wedding gift.

Meaning of yellow roses with orange tips
Yellow roses with orange tips often symbolize friendship, happiness, or joy. They may also be given as a way to show support or encouragement.
Meaning of yellow roses at a funeral
In a funeral setting, yellow roses may symbolize the eternal life of the departed, as well as their hope for a happy afterlife. They can also represent the relationship between the deceased and the grieving.
What is the meaning of a single yellow rose?
A single yellow rose can represent many things. It may be given as a symbol of platonic love or friendship. It could also be given as a way to say “I’m thinking of you” or “I miss you”.

What does a yellow rose mean in myth, lore, and legend
In myth, lore, and legend, the yellow rose has been associated with a number of different meanings, including love, jealousy, and happiness.

There are many legends and myths about yellow roses. One legend says that if you give a yellow rose to your true love, they will always love you back
They have also been used as a way to represent the sun, hope, and new beginnings.
For example, in Greek mythology, the yellow rose was said to be created by Apollo, the god of the sun. It is also said that in Greek mythology, the yellow rose was associated with the goddess Hera, who was the goddess of marriage and childbirth.
In ancient China, the yellow rose was seen as a symbol of happiness and good luck.
In the Middle Ages, the yellow rose was often associated with jealousy and deceit.
Today, the meaning of yellow roses has shifted to be more positive and uplifting. They are often seen as a way to show appreciation or admiration, through to a show of respect, or even love and desire.
Meaning of yellow roses in culture
The meaning of yellow roses can vary depending on the culture.
In some cultures, they are seen as a symbol of happiness and joy, while in others they may be seen as a symbol of friendship.
In modern-day America, yellow roses mean happiness, joyfulness, and friendship. In modern China, a yellow rose means success and good luck.
Also in China, yellow roses are often given to new mothers as a way to wish them good health.
In France, yellow roses are associated with jealousy and betrayal. Whereas in Germany, they are said to represent friendship.
In general culture, the yellow rose is given as a positive symbolic gesture. It is often seen as a symbol of joy, happiness, and friendship. In the modern era, they may also be seen as a symbol of success and good luck.

What do yellow roses mean in a dream?
The meaning of yellow roses in a dream can depend on the context of the dream. They may symbolize sunshine and happiness, or they may be a sign of jealousy or betrayal.
Examples of yellow roses in dreams include:
- Yellow rose in a garden: This may represent new beginnings or hope.
- A single yellow rose or a bunch, given as a gift: This could symbolize friendship, love, or admiration.
- Yellow rose in a bouquet: This may symbolize happy occasions or celebrations.
- A single yellow rose: This might represent loneliness or sadness.
- A yellow rose wilting: This may symbolize illness or disappointment.

Yellow roses in music
Yellow roses have featured in popular songs throughout the years, adding to their cultural meaning and significance
The yellow rose has also been mentioned in a number of popular songs over the years, including “Yellow Rose of Texas”.
What is the meaning of a yellow rose in literature?
The meaning of a yellow rose in literature often depends on the character who is associated with the flower. In many cases, yellow roses represent love, desire, and happiness. However, they can also occasionally represent deceit or betrayal.

In mythology and literature, yellow roses often have positive connotations. For example, in the medieval romance “The Romance of the Rose”, the yellow rose is a symbol of joy and happiness. In William Shakespeare’s play “Romeo and Juliet”, a yellow rose is given to Juliet by Romeo as a sign of his love for her.
In more modern literature, the meaning of a yellow rose can be more ambiguous. For example, in the novel “The Great Gatsby”, the character Daisy Buchanan is associated with yellow roses. While Daisy is often seen as a symbol of hope and purity, she is also associated with tragedy and death.
Dark vs pale yellow rose
The meaning of yellow roses can also vary depending on the color of the rose. For example, a pale yellow rose may represent joy and happiness, while a deep yellow rose may represent passion and desire.
What is the meaning of a yellow rose tattoo?
There is no one meaning for a yellow rose tattoo. It can represent joy and happiness, or it can represent passion and desire. It all depends on the context in which it is worn.
Meaning of yellow roses ~ More roses help 🌹
I hope this has helped you to understand the plethora of meanings that the yellow rose provides. It’s one-size-fits-all as a rose to give to a friend, family member, or a loved one.
Be sure to check out my recommended tools and resources page so you can grow your own yellow roses.
And Ive written about other roses you might want to understand the meanings of, like the meaning of white roses.

Hi, I’m Michael. My passion for roses was sparked a few years ago after visiting a dedicated community rose garden. So Rosehow.com represents my take, my learnings, and my help for anyone looking to grow, be proud of, and harvest roses.